Knitting Knook · Writer's Refuge

A Little Knit of This and a Little Knit of That

But first, an update! I can now share two more contest results with you: I didn’t win. 😛 After I have a chance to read over my entry for the Guideposts' short story contest and retweak some things (cuz that’s what writers love to do—tweak, tweak, and more tweak), I’ll share it here. A part… Continue reading A Little Knit of This and a Little Knit of That

Doll Drama

Tinsel Doll Part II

Summers usually find me accomplishing far more knitting than writing. This summer is no exception. In some ways, however, I've still been able to hobnob with my book characters, since the items I knitted were for them. Here’s a snapshot of where I left them (and you) in Part I: Shortly after that post, I… Continue reading Tinsel Doll Part II