Downloads from Heaven

Did God Really Say…? Part 4

If you've missed my previous posts, you can find them here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Why Belief in Genesis as Literal History is Important

Yesterday I fully recognized that one can believe in evolution and believe in Jesus Christ as his/her Savior and Lord. But did you know that belief in macro/Darwinian evolution rather than a six-day creation is one of the main reasons why many people over the last few decades, especially today’s youths, have walked away from and continue to walk away from the Christian faith? By my own off-the-cuff, devil’s advocate-type questions and reasoning, I’ve shown how easy it could be to argue oneself out of believing the rest of the Bible if one believes Genesis is not true.

The secular evolutionists admit that macro-evolution is not compatible with Scripture. Our children see this incompatibility, as well. They see the obvious contradictions between the biblical account of creation and what they’re taught about macro-evolution in school, but since neither their parents nor their church pastors have understood the importance of this subject, the children don’t receive good answers for their valid questions about the discrepancies. And so they walk away from their faith and choose “science.”

Did you catch that? We put our children’s eternal salvation in jeopardy when we accept man’s word on this topic rather than adhere to God’s Word. (Check out Ken Ham’s book, Already Gone, for concerning statistics about how many children raised in Christian homes are leaving the faith because of the evolution argument.)

The more we discredit the Bible, the more we question God in all areas of our lives. The more we question Him, the more confused we get. The more confused we get, the easier it becomes for the world to deceive us. We’re watching it happen in real time, inside and outside the Church, with the global attack on marriage, the marriage bed, the family, gender, abortion, and more.

Yet as I’ve already said, the Bible has stood the test of time, despite man’s attempts to prove it false. When we see how archeology and secular historical accounts align with places and events in the Bible; when we see how the prophecies have come true in the past and we’re currently witnessing the foundations being laid in preparation for the prophecies in Revelation; when we see that God isn’t lying throughout the rest of the Bible, then it’s reasonable to conclude He’s not lying or making up children’s stories in the first few pages of His book.

The Bible was written for us to know God and His character; to know how life began, how life will end, and how His plan for eternal salvation weaves through the entire timeline of history. Even though there are some difficult concepts that we’ll never fully understand this side of Heaven, the Bible was written in a predominantly straight-forward manner for easy comprehension. The average person doesn’t need to attend seminary or memorize Hebrew and Greek or even know all the ins and outs of ancient history to understand the overall truths God is trying to relay. (Sometimes, I think we make things more confusing on purpose simply because we don’t like what the Bible has to say on a subject.)

I guess my intent in sharing all of this is to encourage my fellow Christians that we don’t have to apologize for believing God’s account in Genesis. We have plenty of reasons for clinging to His Word, some of which I’ve hit upon over the last few days. Please, let’s recognize that not only have the school systems and “science” curricula lied to us and mishandled facts for decades, but we must take seriously the eternal ramifications for our children and future generations when we begin to discount parts of the Bible.

In the end, I’m not the one saying God made the world in six days. God Himself said it. I’m simply standing by what He said—standing on the Word of God—and really, there’s no better place to be, for “[t]he grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” (Isaiah 40:8)

If you want to know more about the trustworthiness of Genesis or the holes in evolution, I encourage you to check out the following resources to get started:

6 thoughts on “Did God Really Say…? Part 4

  1. Good post. I think it’s a combination of these early Church fathers like Origen who allegorized parts of the Bible and helped found the School of Allegory and Darwin’s dangerous book: Origin of the Species, that has led to so many Christians questioning parts of the Bible. The roman catholic Church even admits in the introduction page of their bible that Genesis contains some myths and legends. I even heard that the pope believes in evolution.

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  2. I believe that kids today who don’t believe in the Bible or have quit Church altogether are being groomed for the coming Tribulation and following the Antichrist and taking his mark. Just a thought. The Antichrist will need an army

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good series! And super helpful to think about in these terms. I like how you organized the argument in such a linear way. I feel like I’m better prepared to defend/explain the Bible and creation to those spouting evolutionist theory. And honestly, I never thought about how accepting evolution would be calling God’s story of creation a blatant lie. I hope you’ll have more posts like this!

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