Knitting Knook

Just a Little Whimsy…

*Peeks into blog.

*Slinks over to laptop and blows off dust.

*Bats away the cobwebs with a shudder at the imagined spiders that go with them.

*Waves to audience…if they’re still present…and gives a sheepish grin.

So, yeah. It’s been a while. I didn’t expect it to take me almost a year to get back here, but I make no excuses. I’ve put my sequel as top priority, and since I, apparently, continue to be one of those writers that takes a long time to write a book, other things fall by the wayside for, well, a long time. And I’m still not finished with the manuscript. (I’d hoped to have a book release of Oct/Nov 2020—hahaha…sob.) Don’t get me wrong—I’m on the fourth draft, but as happened with Tinsel in a Tangle, the last 25% of my manuscript goes through multiple phases before I’ve figured out exactly what happens and how it unfolds. To say nothing about the times I wanted to give up completely, which stalled my writing. Thank the Lord for good friends and writer buddies who helped drag me out of the Dregs of Defection and set me back on the Road to HEA (Happily Ever After).

Aside from writing highs and lows, a lot has happened in the past year for my family. But I’ll get to those details in another post. Today, we’re just doing something fun and fluffy, and wholly unrelated to anything going on outside your door or on the TV. Provided I can get this updated blog to cooperate. Grrr!

If you’ve been with me for a while, you know I enjoy knitting phone cases…carriers?…pouches? I need to come up with a name for them. 😉 This year, I made two new…phone totes?…for Daughter #1 (D1), and my latest creation, my absolute favorite by far, was for myself.

Here’s my favorite! ❤ I’ve loved Anna’s & Elsa’s styles since the first Frozen movie came out. Once the second one hit the theaters, I decided enough was enough—it was time to knit and needle-felt an Anna phone carrier!

For a video broadcasting class last year, D1 had to create a commercial, and she chose to showcase my phone carriers for her project. I couldn’t believe how many I’d made over the years—several of them duds, experiments, but stored, nonetheless, in a bin beneath my bed—and it was fun to see them all laid out. Fun to see my improvements over time. Part of me is toying with the idea of knitting up more to sell online or at a farmer’s market after this doozy of a book sequel is complete, but I’m not sure there’s a call/need/desire for it. Thoughts on this? How do you and your friends carry around your phones? Tucked into back pockets? Draped on a lanyard? Held in your hand? (IMO, that last one would drive me bonkers!)

I was going to share the “commercial,” but my blog doesn’t qualify for video shares. Sigh. So, here are a couple still shots of some phone cases laid out… (Ignore the words at the bottom of the pics. Those were for commercial purposes only.) 😉

I pray you all stay healthy, and don’t give in to the fear outside your door. God is still on the throne, despite man’s best attempts to knock Him off, and He’s always in control, despite man’s best attempts to pretend otherwise. 🙂 Blessings!

6 thoughts on “Just a Little Whimsy…

  1. Laurie,
    Your work shows much enthusiasm and passion in the quality of the final product as well an enchanting imagination in the design. Great results – thanks for sharing the progress made over time as you have perfected the outcome over time.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I usually have my phone in a hip pocket or purse, but I think these phone satchels (?) are convenient and fabulous. My favorite way to pack a phone is in a cargo pocket of my hiking pants, these would allow for a very similar way to pack a phone, but way more often! Not to mention it would be one more fun way that a person could express themselves 😊. I think they could be a hot item. Maybe put them on Etsy? When you decide how much your charging etc let me know as I might have a few orders for you 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Lea! I’ll keep you in mind. Yes, Etsy was one of the places I was thinking of. And “satchel”–I’ve always liked that word. Hmm…


  3. I carry my phone in my shirt pocket where it can easily fall into my pool — and be replaced by a newer one. 🙂 Do you make waterproof floating phone cases? You might become rich! And if I keep dunking my phones into water I’ll be very poor.

    Liked by 1 person

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