Writer's Refuge

Tinsel’s Cover Reveal…

At long last, it’s finally here! Tinsel’s book cover!


I. Am. So. Excited! This has got to be my favorite part about the publication process so far. To see in visual form a taste of what I’ve only up to now imagined in my head and written down in black words is truly invigorating. Makes me giddy, like a kid on Christmas morning (pun totally intended). Kudos to AM Design Studios for creating a fantastic cover that’s already blessed my socks off!

I’m told pre-order will be available soon–yay! I’ll keep you posted on that, should you be interested. One thing to note: because Clean Reads is a small publishing company, the book is only offered in digital format until it reaches a certain number in sales, at which point it will be available in print on Amazon. So…if you’re like my daughter’s friend and want to wait until the paperback version comes out…and lots of other people decide to wait for a paperback copy…then the book will never make it into print. 😛 I know; a bit of a drawback, but my husband’s optimistic it’s just a temporary one.

In any case, this cover is mine to keep forever…and drool over any time I want. 😉

5 thoughts on “Tinsel’s Cover Reveal…

  1. Having knowledge of your “draft” I think the image of the reindeer in the background is really cool. I share your excitement and wish you much success and continued happiness…

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